parshat Vayechi

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no creditThe End of an Epoch
The parsha of Vayechi marks the end of the story of the house of Yaakov. The parsha tells us of the end of an era that spammed many long centuries.
  • The Missteps of a Great Man
    Our haftara deals with the instructions David gave Shlomo, including general advice and specific directives regarding how to deal with certain people. One had to do with Yoav ben Tzruya, David’s nephew and a key member of his inner circle throughout his career. The language of David’s portrayal of his grievances against Yoav is perplexing. “You are also aware of that which Yoav ben Tzruya did to me, which he did to two generals in Israel, to Avner ben Ner and Amasa ben Yeter, that he killed them and put the blood of battle within peace … he should not die in peace in old age” (Melachim I, 2:5-6).
  • Zera Yisrael
    We have been dealing, over the last few weeks, with ideas to help integrate olim from the Former Soviet Union into Israeli society as full Jews. A group with a real obstacle is children of Jewish fathers and non-Jewish mothers. They are, of course, not Jewish unless they undergo conversion. Yet, it is our opinion that we should not look at them as if they have, in the meantime, no connection to the Jewish People. The great majority were treated as Jews in the Soviet Union, where a citizen’s nationality is determined by his father, not his mother. As a result, they suffered from anti-Semitism. How shocked were many, upon arriving in Israel, to find out that halacha does not view them as Jewish and that they cannot get married here?
  • David – Almost Like a Forefather
    In Parashat Vayechi, we learn about Yaakov’s “spiritual will” – prophecies and instructions to his sons. In the haftara, we see a similar farewell address of King David to his son Shlomo. We will try to uncover part of this deep connection between the parasha and its haftara.
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